Certain activities are classified as eligibility activities. The FHS staff will enforce all eligibility policies. TEA has a specific list of activities that are eligibility activities which include competitions, activities that charge an admission fee, and pep rallies. For more information about eligibility see UIL-TEA side-by-side which can be viewed through the TEA website or the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) website (www.tmea.org). In order to be eligible, students must have a grade of 70 or above in all classes, including P.E., athletics, electives and academic classes on both their progress reports and report cards. Students who are ineligible will continue to rehearse during their choir class, before and after school, and participate in curricular performances to earn their choir grade. Ineligible students may not travel with the choir or participate in extracurricular activities.
Students are required to be ELIGIBLE for the following choir events:
All National Anthem performances at football games
All-Region/All-State Auditions and Performances
Solo and Ensemble Competition
Choir Spring Trip