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Lettering in Choir


FHS choir students will be subject to a points system.  Any student who is able to accumulate 8 or more points will be eligible to purchase a FHS letter jacket.  This policy is designed to reward commitment and high achievement.  Excessive behavior problems can result in a student loosing their lettering privileges.  Please see Mrs. Bradstreet for a packet if you are ready to order one.

  • 2 points:  completion of a full year in choir (at FHS or another school).  Seniors will receive their final two points during the fall semester of their senior year.

  • 2 points:  being selected for Triple Trio (additional choir class)

  • 2 points:  auditioning for the All-Region Choir

  • 2 points:  being selected to the advance to Pre-Area in Choir

  • 2 points:  being selected to advance to Area in Choir

  • 5 points:  being selected to the All-State Choir

  • 2 points:  participating in a solo at UIL Solo/Ensemble Competition

  • 2 points:  participating in a ensemble at UIL Solo/Ensemble Competition

  • 2 points:  advancing to State Solo/Ensemble Competition

  • 2 points:  for serving as an officer for a year

  • 2 points-4 points:  earn 2 points per 10 approved services hours completed for the choir program (fill out required form under by going to "Choir Service Forms" under "Resource" tab)

How to Order a Letter Jacket

Administration will as for a list of names of students that have earned enough points to letter in choir once per semester.  Those students will then be delivered a letter jacket packet with an order form during one of their classes at some point during the semester.  Students will order the letter jacket on their own. 

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